Open Weekends 10am-4pm. 2025 Summer Concert Series Seasonal Passes Now on Sale!
Open Weekends 10am-4pm. 2025 Summer Concert Series Seasonal Passes Now on Sale!
Here at Douglas Orchard and farm we have many varieties of chickens and ducks. They have plenty of space to roam around. The most important part of egg production is moving our birds to fresh pasture, giving them access to bugs and grass. Aaron, the architect, has constructed a large insulated coop, with windows for ventilation many laying boxes and places to roost.
Our chicken breeds are Rhode Island Reds, Barred Rock, Pearl White Leghorn, Black Australupe, Buff Orpington, Light Brown Leghorn, Americana, Welsummers, Delaware and Silver Laced Wyandottes. Due to flock variety, we have a wide variation in egg color from white, tan, brown to green.
Our duck breeds are Blue Runner, White Pekin, Khaki Campbell, Cayuga and White Crested. The ducks are egg layers too. Duck eggs stay fresher longer, due to their thicker shell. They are richer, with more albumin, which makes quiches, cakes and other pastries fluffier. Duck eggs have more Omega-3 fatty acids. People who cannot eat chicken eggs, due to allergies, can often eat duck eggs.
You can come to the farm to see our beloved foul. They are fun to watch with a cluck, cluck here and a quack, quack there, along with an occasional cock-a-doodle-doo! You can even feed them from the feeder on the coop.